About Us

About the Owner

Sterling Bolling is a Vietnam Veteran who served with the US Air Force Security Service. A native of Washington, DC, he relocated to Mount Pleasant in 2000. While in Washington, Sterling taught scuba diving and ran a family business, the R.W. Bolling Company, a historic restoration and remodelling company.

Top Services

Social Security Trace71%

Criminal Background Check85%

Education Verification76%

Licensing Verification53%

Credit Reports69%

About the Company

Backstory Screening Services was started when Sterling, an owner of rental properties, found he was unable to obtain solid background information on potential tenants. After an exhaustive search, Sterling affiliated with Background Screeners of America, a database provider. The company was founded in 2011 to assist employers and landlords by offering credit reports, criminal background checks, education and licensing verification, driver license reports and eviction records.

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